ABOUT Prof. Jeoung Han Kim
Dr. J.H. Kim is a Professor of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Hanbat National University since 2014. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Metallurgical Engineering at Korea University(www.korea.ac.kr). After then, he obtained his Master's degree and Ph.D.'s degree from POSTECH(www.postech.ac.kr). He has started his career in the department of 'Special Alloys Group' at Korea Institute of Materials Science and served there during 2005-2014. Further, he extended his career at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. He was also an adjunct Professor at University of Science and Technology, Korea.
His research focused on the microstructure design and tuning of structural metallic materials including titanium and nickel alloys for use in power generators, aerospace applications, and bioengineering. Furthermore, nano-oxide particles in oxide dispersion strengthened steels are of increasing interest due to their excellent thermal stability and irradiation resistance. However, all material processing tends to be very complex, with defects being prevalent and the interface effects having a critical function. Furthermore, for many applications, the structural dimensions are required up to meter length scales. Together, these factors produce exciting challenges to him.
He is a member of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, The Korean Society For Technology of Plasticity, the Korean Nuclear Society, the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute, TMS (Minerals, Metals and Materials Society). He has authored over 70 publications and handled about over 30 research projects and filed over 30 patents.
Bachelor's Degree in the Metal. Eng. at Korea University (1994~1999)
Master's Degree in the Mater. Sci. Eng. at POSTECH (1999~2001)
Ph.D.'s Degree in the Mater. Sci. Eng. at POSTECH (2001~2005)
1. Associate Professor at Hanbat National Univeristy (2017~present)
1. Assistant Professor at Hanbat National Univeristy (2014~2017)
2. Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials
Engineering (2015~present)
3. Assistant Finacial Managercher at Korea Institute of Metals and Materials (2016)
4. Visiting Researcher at Oak Ridge
3. Senior Researcher at Korea Institute of Materials Science (2005~2014)
4. Visiting Researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (2009~2010)
5. Editorial Board Member of Trends in Metal. Mater. Eng. (2012~2013)
6. Adjunct Professor at UST (2013~2014)
1. Best paper award from from The Korean Institute of Powder Metallurgy (Nov. 04. 2020)
2. Best paper award from from The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (Jul. 16. 2020)
3. Young Generation Technology Award from The Korean Society for technology of plasticity (Oct. 17. 2019)
4. Jinhap Academic Award from The Korean Society for technology of plasticity (Jul. 3. 2018)
5. Best Research Awards from Hanbat National University (Dec. 15. 2016 and Jan. 02. 2018)
6. Micro-structure photography award from The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (Apr. 27. 2017)
7. Appreciation Plaque for the presentation at the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute (Nov. 14. 2014)
8. Young Generation Technology Award from The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (Apr. 22. 2014)
9. Scholarship for Researchers Abroad from KIAT (Dec. 14. 2009)
10. Achievement Award from Korea Institute of Materials Science (Dec. 30. 2008)
11. Poster presentation award from The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (Apr.22.2006)
12. Marquis Who's Who® in the World® 2016-2018
13. International Biographical Centre, 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century 10th edition
연구 기간 과제명 지원기관 역할
'18.03~21.02 ESO를 분산한 초고온용 금속 복합재 및 레이저 클래딩 기술 개발 연구재단 PI (연구책임자)
'17.08~21.12 고인성 산화물 분산강화 합금 개발 및 성형해석 산통부 PI(위탁연구책임자)
’17.06~’18.05 형상기억합금 사각역커브 치열교정용 와이어 개발 중소기업청 PI (공동연구책임자)
’17.05~’18.12 3-D 프린터 제작 조종날개 최적 설계 및 이종재질 접합 방법 연구 LIG넥스원 PI (연구책임자)
'16.08~21.12 항공용 Ti-6Al-4V 판재 및 대형 열간 성형부품 제조 기술 개발 산통부 PI(세부기관연구책임자)
'16.09~18.12 마그네슘 합금과 CFRP 소재의 이종접합 기술 개발 RIST PI (연구책임자)
’15.07~’18.06 레이저 빔 스캐닝 법을 이용한 ODS/RAFM강 클래딩 판재 제조 연구재단 PI (연구책임자)
’14.08~’15.07 용종제거용 스네어의 회전제어력향상을 위한 코어드와이어 개발 중소기업청 PI (연구책임자)
’14.08~’14.11 자동차엔진 및 배기시스템용 고강도 내열 볼트 개발 중소기업청 PI (연구책임자)
’14.05~’15.04 DMD 기법을 이용한 advanced ODS 합금 개발 한밭대 PI (연구책임자)
’11.01~’13.12 극저온 기계적합금화법을 이용한 나노입자상 ODS합금 개발 재료연구소 PI (연구책임자)
’11.11~’13.10 고청정용해기술을할용한생체의료용 초탄성합금 및 극세선 개발 지식경제부 PI (연구책임자)
’09.12~’10.11 원천소재 기술인력교류 사업 KIAT PI (연구책임자)
A. Materials Processing and Manufacturing
Development of advanced ODS (oxide dispersion strengthened) alloys
Dissimilar welding (Polymer to Metal, Steel to Titanium)
Advanced Ni, Ti alloys design and development
Development of advanced high temperature shape memory alloys
Additive manufacturing process (3D-printing)
B. Mechanical Properties and Responses to Deformation
Deformation mechanisms of polycrystalline materials
High speed tensile test
Creep and damage of high temperature materials
Formation of nanocrystals by mechanical processing
C. Computational Modeling of Materials
Artificial neural network
Phase field modeling